Zero Waste Management System Certification

What's the Zero Waste Management System certification about?

It is the evaluation of the conformity of the International Standard Zero Waste Management Systems by international and independent Conformity Assessment Bodies.

The Zero Waste Management System (ZWMS) is a circular economy tool that promotes continuous improvement in the efficiency of the flow of materials and solid waste through the application of 3R strategies (reduce, reuse and recycle) and 9R of materials and solid waste. It is organized in a harmonized (or high-level) structure, in order to improve the performance of organizations over time.

It allows organizations to voluntarily align themselves with the ISO 59000 circular economy technical guides and achieve excellence in materials and solid waste management with a focus on the international Zero Waste model (Zero Waste, Zero Waste, Zero Waste or Zero Waste). in all industrial and service sectors. According to him Circularity Gap Report 2023 Humanity consumes 100 billion tons of materials, of which only 7.2% are recycled. Through the implementation of the ZWMS, the amount of waste generated daily and its final disposal is reduced.

How to become certified in the Zero Waste Management System?

ZWMS evaluates the implementation of the 9 Rs (reject, rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, restore, remanufacture, repurpose and recycle) in facilities, areas, processes or a specific waste, to promote the closure of technical and biological cycles and the continuous improvement of efficiency in the flow of materials and the integrated management of solid waste, in order to encourage the reduction and recirculation of materials, creating new markets and circular economy services in the world.

Proceso de Certificación Global Zero Waste

How to certify your organization?

STEP 1: Learn about the Zero Waste Management System Certification Program

a) Learn about the Zero Waste Management System Certification Program and how you can be part of the global organizations that contribute to a sustainable and waste-free world: Video ¿What is the ZWMS?
b) If you have any questions, please consult the frequently asked questions: FAQ or contact the specialized professionals through the channels we have enabled for you: Contact

STEP 2: Enter Zero Waste Management System Certification Program

a) Make the ZWMS Membership payment.
b) Confirm your registration on the Global Zero Waste platform by filling out the registration form and sending your proof of payment: Welcome to ZWMS, within a maximum period of five (5) business days we will be sending you the necessary data for your entry to the platform.

STEP 3: Implement the Zero Waste Management System

a) The specialized professional assigned by Global Zero Waste will design a personalized work plan for the improvement of the integrated management of materials and waste of your organization and will coordinate a technical assistance meeting to inform you about this roadmap.
b) Once you accept, we will upload your work plan according to the specifications given by Global Zero Waste's specialized professional.
c) If you wish, you can coordinate with a team internal or external to your organization that has competencies in ZWMS design, implementation or auditing, circular economy, integrated waste management or sustainability in order to ensure compliance with the ZWMS International Standard and increase the efficiency of your strategies as indicated in Figure 2.
d) Gain the economic, operational, environmental, social and governance (ESG) benefits of the circular economy in the material flow by implementing your ZWMS.

Estrategias 9R SGZW - ISO 59000

STEP 4: Certify your Zero Waste Management System

a) Agenda y programa la auditoría externa e independiente de tu SGZW con los Organismos Internacionales de Evaluación de la Conformidad autorizados por Global Zero Waste, que garantizan una visión integral de la evaluación de cumplimiento y las oportunidades de mejora de tu Organización.
b) Get your ZWMS certified in the appropriate category according to your level of compliance and improvement:

PlatinumComplete the certification cycle of three (3) consecutive years and be in the gold category in the third year.
GoldObtain a score between 80 and 100 points.
SilverObtain a score between 60 and 79 points.
BronzeObtain a score between 40 and 59 points.

c) Maintain and continuously improve your ZWMS to reduce your costs and achieve the highest possible efficiency in the management of your materials and waste.
d) Obtain reputational benefits and brand visibility through the communication of your achievements in the implementation and certification of the ZWMS.

Start your certification process

Make the payment of the Zero Waste Management System Membership in the savings account No. 009037884 of Itaú bank and attach your payment support through the “Send Voucher” button. If you have any questions or require international payment link please contact an advisor through the Whatsapp channel we have available for you.

Success stories Zero Waste organizations

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Zero Waste Management System certification. 
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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Zero Waste Organizations Registration

OrganizationCountryStatusCertification Category
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa BucaramangaColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa CaliColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa ManantialColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa MedellínColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Jardinería Pulido S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Mineros Aluvial S.A.S. BICColombiaCertifiedGold
Procaps S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Softys Colombia S.A. (Drypers)ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Softys Gachancipá S.A. (Protisa)ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Softys Ecuador (Productos Tissue del Ecuador S.A.)EcuadorCertifiedGold
Softys Uruguay (Industria Papelera Uruguaya S.A.)UruguayCertifiedGold
Sun Chemical Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Campus Medellín y Montería)ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Universidad Simón BolívarColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Virutex Ilko Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Dragon Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Colombina S.A - La PailaColombiaCertifiedGold
Comestibles Ricos - Super RicasColombiaCertifiedGold
Administrative Department of Social ProsperityColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Gases de Occidente S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Grupo Darnel - Ajover (Brasil)BrasilCertifiedPlatinum
Iberplast S.A.ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Pavimentos Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Plásticos y Maderas Reciclables S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Softys Argentina S.A.ArgentinaCertifiedGold
Flores el Trigal S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Litoplas S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Civil AviationColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Medellín City HallColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Auteco Mobility S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Autotécnica Colombiana S.A.S. - AutecoColombiaCertifiedGold
Blanco y Negro Masivo - (Mass Transit system)ColombiaCertifiedGold
Caja de Compensación Familiar de FENALCO - COMFENALCO QUÍNDIOColombiaCertifiedGold
Casalimpia S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Atlantis Plaza MallColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Santafé - BogotáColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Colombina del Cauca S.A.ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Compañía Energética de Occidente S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Embotelladora de la Sabana S.A.S. TocancipáColombiaCertifiedGold
Fideicomiso Opain S.A. - Aeropuerto El DoradoColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
COFAI S.A.S. E.S.P.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Government Entity of AntioquiaColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Grupo Darnel - Ajover (Colombia)ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Industrias Alimenticias Báez S.A.S. - INDUBÁEZ S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa BarranquillaColombiaCertifiedGold
Industria Nacional de Gaseosas Femsa BogotáColombiaCertifiedPlatinum
Corporación Financiera Davivienda S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Simoniz S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Oleoducto de los Llanos Orientales S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Buen Café - Federación Nacional de CafeterosColombiaIn progressIn progress
Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá - EAAB E.S.P.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Universidad de la SabanaColombiaIn progressIn progress
Canacol Energy Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Colombiana De Extrusión S A ExtrucolColombiaCertifiedIn progress
Centro Comercial Nuestro Bogotá Propiedad HorizontalColombiaIn progressIn progress
Cámara de Comercio de CasanareColombiaIn progressIn progress
Empacor S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Falabella de Colombia S.A.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Promigas S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
TQ- Tecnoquímicas - Tecnosur S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Alsec Alimentos Secos S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Italcol S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Italcol Occidente S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Grupo UMAZF S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Softys Chile S.P.A. (Talagante)ChileCertifiedGold
Organización Terpel S.A. - Planta LubricantesColombiaCertifiedGold
Inversiones GIUNI S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
ProenfarColombiaIn progressIn progress
AAK Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
INTECPLASTColombiaIn progressIn progress
UPL Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Vélez Lab S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
CANPACK Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Universidad Militar Nueva GranadaColombiaCertifiedGold
Servicios Empresariales de Aseo S.A.S. E.S.P. BICColombiaCertifiedGold
B.altman & Compañía S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Softys PerúPerúIn progressIn progress
Gecelca 3 S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Centro Comercial Centro MayorColombiaCertifiedGold
Indugráficas S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Centro Comercial Plaza Central - MultiplikaColombiaIn progressIn progress
Christus Sinergia Clínica FarallonesColombiaIn progressIn progress
Hospital Universitario del Valle Evaristo GarcíaColombiaIn progressIn progress
Clínica de los RemediosColombiaIn progressIn progress
Clínica de OccidenteColombiaIn progressIn progress
Gmóvil S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
GENFAR Desarrollo y Manufactura S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
PGI Colombia LTDA - Berry GlobalColombiaIn progressIn progress
Banco de BogotáColombiaIn progressIn progress
Colcerámica S.A.S. - Planta MadridColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Grupo Viva EnvigadoColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Grupo Viva SincelejoColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Grupo Viva Las PalmasColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Grupo Viva La CejaColombiaCertifiedGold
Centro Comercial Grupo Viva BarranquillaColombiaCertifiedGold
Francoal S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Centro Integral de Servicios Punto Clave - Propiedad HorizontalColombiaIn progressIn progress
Sociedad Portuaria Puerto Bahía S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Cooperativa Multiactiva Reciclaje InteligenteColombiaIn progressIn progress
Plásticos Rimax S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Premium Plaza P.H.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Ecodiesel Colombia S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Bessac Andina S.A.S.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Fundación Parque Jaime DuqueColombiaIn progressIn progress
TWM S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Industria Militar INDUMILColombiaIn progressIn progress
Zona Franca Central Cervecera S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Softys Brasil LTDABrasilIn progressIn progress
Belleza Express S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Sociedad Portuaria El Cayao S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Centro Comercial Santafé Medellín P. H.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Alo Sur S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
MTS Consultoría + Gestión S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Guaicaramo S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Surtigas S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaCertifiedGold
Coquecol S.A.S. C IColombiaIn progressIn progress
Decowraps Colombia S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Ultracem S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Productos Ramo S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Centro Comercial Plaza de las Americas PHColombiaIn progressIn progress
Retambores S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
ARpack S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Entrepalmas S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Holcim (Colombia) S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Alimentos del Valle S.A. - AlivalColombiaIn progressIn progress
CEMEX NicaraguaNicaraguaIn progressIn progress
Softys MéxicoMéxicoIn progressIn progress
Caja de Compensación Familiar de Fenalco - Seccional TolimaColombiaIn progressIn progress
Promioriente S.A. E.S.P.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Cacique El Centro comercial y de Negocios PHColombiaIn progressIn progress
Cámara de Comercio de BogotáColombiaIn progressIn progress
Droguerías y Farmacias Cruz Verde S.A.S.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Compañía de Puertos Asociados - COMPAS S.A.ColombiaIn progressIn progress
Salitre Plaza Centro Comercial - Propiedad HorizontalColombiaIn progressIn progress
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